System calls

Userspace code can interact with the kernel through system calls. Poplar's system call interface is based around 'kernel objects', and so many of the system calls are to create, destroy, or modify the state of various types of kernel object. Because of Poplar's microkernel design, many traditional system calls (e.g. open) are not present, their functionality instead being provided by userspace.

Each system call has a unique number that is used to identify it. A system call can then take up to five parameters, each a maximum in size of the system's register width. It can return a single value, also the size of a register.

Overview of system calls

NumberSystem callDescription
0yieldYield to the kernel.
1early_logLog a message. Designed to be used from early processes.
3create_memory_objectCreate a MemoryObject kernel object.
4map_memory_objectMap a MemoryObject into an AddressSpace.
5create_channelCreate a channel, returning handles to the two ends.
6send_messageSend a message down a channel.
7get_messageReceive the next message, if there is one.
8wait_for_messageYield to the kernel until a message arrives on the given
12wait_for_eventYield to the kernel until an event is signalled
13poll_interestPoll a kernel object to see if changes need to be processed.
14create_address_spaceCreate an AddressSpace kernel object.
15spawn_taskCreate a Task kernel object and start scheduling it.
16resize_memory_objectGrow or shrink a MemoryObject.


NumberSystem callDescription
2get_framebufferGet the framebuffer that the kernel has created, if it has.
11pci_get_infoGet information about the PCI devices on the platform.

Making a system call on x86_64

To make a system call on x86_64, populate these registers:


The only way in which these registers deviate from the x86_64 Sys-V ABI is that c is passed in r10 instead of rcx, because rcx is used by the syscall instruction. You can then make the system call by executing syscall. Before the kernel returns to userspace, it will put the result of the system call (if there is one) in rax. If a system call takes less than five parameters, the unused parameter registers will be preserved across the system call.

Making a system call on RISC-V


Return values

Often, a system call will need to return a status, plus one or more handles. The first handle a system call needs to return (often the only handle returned) can be returned in the upper bits of the status value:

  • Bits 0..32 contain the status:
    • 0 means that the system call succeeded, and the rest of the return value is valid
    • >0 means that the system call errored. The meaning of the value is system-call specific.
  • Bits 32..64 contain the value of the first returned handle, if applicable

A return value of 0xffffffffffffffff (the maximum value of u64) is reserved for when a system call is made with a number that does not correspond to a system call. This is defined as a normal error code (as opposed to, for example, terminating the task that tried to make the system call) to provide a mechanism for tasks to detect kernel support for a system call (so they can use a fallback method on older kernels, for example).

Syscall: yield

Yield to the kernel. Generally called when a userspace task has no more useful work to perform.

  • Parameters:
    • None
  • Returns:
    • Always 0

Syscall: early_log

Output a line to the kernel log. This is generally used by tasks early in the boot process, before reliable userspace logging is running, but could also be used by small userspaces for diagnostic logging. The output to be logged must be provided as a formatted string encoded as UTF-8.

  • Parameters:
    • a: the length of the string to log, in bytes. Max of 4096 bytes.
    • b: the address of the string to log.
  • Returns:
    • 0: success
    • 1: the length supplied is too large
    • 2: the supplied string is not valid UTF-8

Syscall: create_memory_object

Create a MemoryObject kernel object. Userspace can only create "blank" memory objects, backed by free, conventional physical memory.

  • Parameters:
    • a: the length of the memory object, in bytes
    • b: flags:
      • Bit 0: set if the memory should be writable
      • Bit 1: set if the memory should be executable
    • c: an address to which the kernel will write the physical address to which the memory object was allocated. Not written if null.
  • Returns:
    • 0: success
    • 1: the given set of flags is invalid
    • 2: a memory area of the requested size could not be allocated
    • 3: the address in c is not null, but is not valid

Syscall: map_memory_object

Map a MemoryObject into an AddressSpace.

  • Parameters:
    • a: the handle of the MemoryObject
    • b: the handle of the Addressspace. A zero handle indicates that the memory object should be mapped into the task's address space.
    • c: the virtual address to map the memory object at. Null indicates that the kernel should attempt to find a region in the address space large enough to hold the memory object and map it there.
    • d: a pointer to which the virtual address the memory object has been mapped to is written, if c is null. If d is null, this address is not written.
  • Returns:
    • 0: success
    • 1: the handle to the MemoryObject is invalid or does not point to a MemoryObject
    • 2: the handle to the AddressSpace is invalid or does not point to a AddressSpace
    • 3: the region of the address space that would be mapped is alreay occupied
    • 4: the supplied pointer in d is invalid

Syscall: create_channel

Create a new channel, returning handles to two Channel objects, each representing an end of the channel. Generally, one of these handles is sent to another task to facilitate IPC.

  • Parameters:
    • a: the address to write the second handle to (only one can be returned in the status)
  • Returns:
    • Status in bits 0..32:
      • 0: success
      • 1: the virtual address to write the second handle to is invalid
    • Handle to first end in bits 32..64

TODO: we could pack both handles into the return value by using a sentinel 0 handle to mark that the other handle is actually an error?

Syscall: send_message

Send a message, consisting of a number of bytes and optionally a number of handles, down a Channel. All the handles are removed from the sending Task and added to the receiving Task.

A maximum of 4 handles can be transferred by each message. The maximum number of bytes is currently 4096.

  • Parameters:
    • a: the handle to the Channel from which the message is to be sent
    • b: a pointer to the array of bytes to send
    • c: the length of the message, in bytes
    • d: a pointer to the array of handle entries to transfer. If the message does not transfer any handles, this should be 0x0
    • e: the number of handles to transfer
  • Returns:
    • 0 if the system call succeeded and the message was sent
    • 1 if the Channel handle is invalid
    • 2 if the Channel handle does not point to a Channel
    • 3 if the Channel handle does not have the correct rights to send messages
    • 4 if one or more of the handles to transfer is invalid
    • 5 if any of the handles to transfer do not have the correct rights
    • 6 if the pointer to the message bytes was not valid
    • 7 if the message's byte array is too large
    • 8 if the pointer to the handles array was not valid
    • 9 if the handles array is too large
    • 10 if the other end of the Channel has been disconnected

Syscall: get_message

Receive a message from a Channel, if one is waiting to be received.

A maximum of 4 handles can be transferred by each message. The maximum number of bytes is currently 4096.

  • Parameters:
    • a: the handle to the Channel end that is receiving the message.
    • b: a pointer to the array of bytes to write the message to
    • c: the maximum number of bytes the kernel should attempt to write to the buffer at b
    • d: a pointer to the array of handle entries to transfer. This can be 0x0 if the receiver does not expect to receive any handles.
    • e: the maximum number of handles the kernel should attempt to write to the array at d.
  • Returns:
    • Status in bits 0..16:
      • 0 if the message was received successfully. The rest of the return value is valid.
      • 1 if the Channel handle is invalid.
      • 2 if the Channel handle does not point to a Channel.
      • 3 if there was no message to receive.
      • 4 if the address of the bytes buffer is invalid.
      • 5 if the bytes buffer is too small to contain the message.
      • 6 if the address of the handles buffer is invalid, or if 0x0 was passed and the message does contain handles.
      • 7 if the handles buffer is too small to contain the handles transferred with the message.
    • The length of the message in bits 16..32
      • This is only valid for statuses of 0
    • The number of handles tranferred in bits 32..48
      • This is only valid if statuses of 0

Syscall: wait_for_message


Syscall: wait_for_event


Syscall: poll_interest


Syscall: create_address_space


Syscall: spawn_task


Syscall: resize_memory_object