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//! Provides a simple spinlock based on the abstractions provided by the [`lock_api`] crate.
//! [`lock_api`]: https://docs.rs/lock_api/
//! ## Usage Example
//! ```rust
//! use spinning_top::Spinlock;
//! fn main() {
//! let data = String::from("Hello");
//! // Wrap some data in a spinlock
//! let spinlock = Spinlock::new(data);
//! // Lock the spinlock to get a mutex guard for the data
//! let mut locked_data = spinlock.lock();
//! // The guard implements the `Deref` trait, so we can use it like a `&String`
//! assert_eq!(locked_data.as_str(), "Hello");
//! // It also implements `DerefMut` so mutation is possible too. This is safe
//! // because the spinlock ensures mutual exclusion
//! locked_data.make_ascii_uppercase();
//! assert_eq!(locked_data.as_str(), "HELLO");
//! // the guard automatically frees the lock at the end of the scope
//! }
//! ```
/// The spinlock implemenation is based on the abstractions provided by the `lock_api` crate.
pub use lock_api;
pub use spinlock::{const_spinlock, MappedSpinlockGuard, RawSpinlock, Spinlock, SpinlockGuard};
mod spinlock;