Crate cordyceps

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§data structures

cordyceps provides implementations of the following data structures:

  • List: a mutable, doubly-linked list.

    A List provides O(1) insertion and removal at both the head and tail of the list. In addition, parts of a List may be split off to form new Lists, and two Lists may be spliced together to form a single List, all in O(1) time. The list module also provides list::Cursor and list::CursorMut types, which allow traversal and modification of elements in a list. Finally, elements can remove themselves from arbitrary positions in a List, provided that they have mutable access to the List itself. This makes the List type suitable for use in cases where elements must be able to drop themselves while linked into a list.

    The List type is not a lock-free data structure, and can only be modified through &mut references.

  • MpscQueue: a multi-producer, single-consumer (MPSC) lock-free last-in, first-out (LIFO) queue.

    A MpscQueue is a lock-free concurrent data structure that allows multiple producers to concurrently push elements onto the queue, and a single consumer to dequeue elements in the order that they were pushed.

    MpscQueues can be used to efficiently share data from multiple concurrent producers with a consumer.

  • Stack: a mutable, singly-linked first-in, first-out (FIFO) stack.

    This is a simple, singly-linked stack with O(1) push and pop operations. The pop operation returns the last element pushed to the stack. A Stack also implements the Iterator trait; iterating over a stack pops elements from the end of the list.

    The Stack type is not a lock-free data structure, and can only be modified through &mut references.

  • TransferStack: a lock-free, multi-producer FIFO stack, where all elements currently in the stack are popped in a single atomic operation.

    A TransferStack is a lock-free data structure where multiple producers can concurrently push elements to the end of the stack through immutable & references. A consumer can pop all elements currently in the TransferStack in a single atomic operation, returning a new Stack. Pushing an element, and taking all elements in the TransferStack are both O(1) operations.

    A TransferStack can be used to efficiently transfer ownership of resources from multiple producers to a consumer, such as for reuse or cleanup.


An intrusive doubly-linked list.
A multi-producer, single-consumer (MPSC) queue, implemented using a lock-free intrusive singly-linked list.
Intrusive, singly-linked first-in, first-out (FIFO) stacks.


An intrusive doubly-linked list.
A multi-producer, single-consumer (MPSC) queue, implemented using a lock-free intrusive singly-linked list.
An intrusive singly-linked mutable FIFO stack.
An intrusive lock-free singly-linked FIFO stack, where all entries currently in the stack are consumed in a single atomic operation.


Trait implemented by types which can be members of an intrusive collection.