
Receive a message from a Channel, if one is waiting to be received.

A maximum of 4 handles can be transferred by each message. The maximum number of bytes is currently 4096.


  • a - the handle to the Channel end that is receiving the message. The handle must have the RECEIVE right.
  • b - a pointer to the array of bytes to put the message into
  • c - the size of the bytes buffer
  • d - a pointer to the array of handle entries to transfer. This may be 0x0 if the receiver does not expect to receive any handles.
  • e - the size of the handles buffer (in handles)


Bits 0..16 are a status code:

  • 0 if the message was received successfully. The rest of the return value is valid.
  • 1 if the Channel handle is invalid.
  • 2 if the Channel handle does not point to a Channel.
  • 3 if there was no message to receive.
  • 4 if the address of the bytes buffer is invalid.
  • 5 if the bytes buffer is too small to contain the message.
  • 6 if the address of the handles buffer is invalid, or if 0x0 was passed and the message does contain handles.
  • 7 if the handles buffer is too small to contain the handles transferred with the message.

If the status code is 0 (i.e. a valid message was written into the bytes and handles buffers), the return value also contains the number of valid entries in both the byte and handle buffers:

  • Bits 16..32 contain the length of the valid byte buffer (in bytes). If the passed buffer was larger than this, the remaining bytes have not been written by the kernel.
  • Bits 32..48 contain the length of the valid handles buffer (in handles). If the passed buffer was larger than this, the remaining bytes have not been written by the kernel.

Capabilities needed
