
Send a message, consisting of a number of bytes and optionally a number of handles, down a Channel. All the handles are removed from the sending Task and added to the receiving Task.

A maximum of 4 handles can be transferred by each message. The maximum number of bytes is currently 4096.


  • a - the handle to the Channel end that is sending the message. The handle must have the SEND right.
  • b - a pointer to the array of bytes to send
  • c - the number of bytes to send
  • d - a pointer to the array of handle entries to transfer. All handles must have the TRANSFER right. This may be 0x0 if the message does not transfer any handles.
  • e - the number of handles to send


A status code:

  • 0 if the system call succeeded and the message was sent
  • 1 if the Channel handle is invalid
  • 2 if the Channel handle does not point to a Channel
  • 3 if the Channel handle does not have the correct rights to send messages
  • 4 if one or more of the handles to transfer is invalid
  • 5 if any of the handles to transfer do not have the correct rights
  • 6 if the pointer to the message bytes was not valid
  • 7 if the message's byte array is too large
  • 8 if the pointer to the handles array was not valid
  • 9 if the handles array is too large
  • 10 if the other end of the Channel has been disconnected

Capabilities needed
